Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pay attention to the Little things

It has been a while since my last blog. That might be because I have 7 kids. Then again it might be because God is doing so much in my life right now. Or it could be both. :D

Mother's Day is fast approaching. I have been thinking about it. I have a hard time on that day because my own mother is gone and it just reminds me that I can't pick up a phone or send a card. But, this year I am not focusing on that.

The Lord has shown me so much recently.

I have a very dear friend who has prayed and wanted a baby for so very long. She has been blessed with a beautiful little guy! He is having heart surgery soon. The day after Mother's Day in fact. The Lord has shown me how selfish I have been to wallow in my own pity. My friend will celebrate her very first Mother's day and then have to deal with a major surgery the very next day. She is on my heart.

That is just one example of how I have taken my being a mother for granted.

Complaining about the mound of laundry that seems to sneer at me every time I pass it. Complaining about the messes to clean up, the late nights, the dirty diapers, the constant noise, the never ending refereeing, the constantly having someone at my side asking questions or telling a's all things I take for granted.

There are so many things that I need to look at as blessings instead of burdens. But, we don't think that least not some of us. We get mired down with the "chores" of being a mother that we fail to take in the little bitty moments that could make memories.

The dishes can wait. The laundry can wait.

I need to take more time to listen to the little nonsensical stories being whispered in my ear. I need to sit back and bask in the noisy laughter that surrounds me instead of trying to quiet it. I need to just put that nasty ol' pride aside and get down on all fours and make faces and weird noises that I know will send them into fits of laughter. THAT's what I want my mothering to be.

Joy filled.

I know that in reality it is tiring to have constant dishes, diapers, laundry and whatever else going on. But, one day....the house will be silent. The laundry will finally be caught up. There will only be 2 plates to wash. And I know that I will crave the noise, running, and chaos that used to be my life.

And that's when I will pick up the phone and call for my grand babies to be brought to me!

So, on this Mother's Day.....enjoy your breakfast in bed, homemade cards and certificates for never ending hugs and kisses. But also, take some time to think of how blessed you are to have those things and the messes left from making them!