Sunday, June 27, 2010

Emanuel~ God With Us (our accident)

Well, as you saw we were in an accident last night....this morning. Midnight.

We had been at our friends for some hot dogs, swimming, coffee and games. It was getting later than we realized, and the kids were tired, so we headed home.

As we pulled off, I asked my husband not to take the interstate b/c it makes me nervous.....long stretch with no exits, no lights, and a Saturday night. He did as I asked. *sigh*

We were traveling east on a 4 lane highway (two lanes in each direction) that is separated only by a turning lane between the sides.

I was looking down when it initially began. At the sound of the horn of my truck and the jolt of my husband hitting the brakes, I looked up. It "appeared" to me that someone was turning in front of us from the westbound side. And that is what I thought happened....until the officers explained to me the skid marks later.

We hit them.....hard. They ended up behind us in the lane we were originally in. We ended up on the to a ditch that we could have rolled into...but didn't. They drove their car to the shoulder and parked in front of us.

My husband looked at all of us then jumped out. I sureveyed the kids......all were fine. Some crying, but not hurt....scared. The baby, Naterbug, SLEPT through the entire thing. He was the only one I had the EMT check, jsut to make sure.

After assuring the kids that we were fine, I got out and called 911. The people in the other car were getting out of their car, I told them I had 911 on the phone not to worry, asked if they were hurt. The lady said, "no, I don't care about 911! I need to call my people!!" There were quite a few other words, but I left those can imagine. The man got out holding his side, crawling/walking like Mowgli towards us. He was stopping cars asking to be brought to the hospital. But when the EMT's got there, he didn't want to go.

By the grace of God, our friend's that we jsut left from were able to come meet us there. They were a great support. Helping check on the kids while Joey and I dealt with the things we needed to.

Also, my other friends jsut so happen to have the same number of kids as we do and at 1 a.m. drove out to where we were to help get me and the kids home in their viehicle. Thank you, Jesus for them!!

Right before i was leaving the scene, the officers came over to me to ask what I saw. I told them it appeared to me (by the time I looked up) that someone was turning left in front of us. They were in amazement......these officers who have seen accidents and horrible things were shocked. The skid marks showed that the other car was NOT in the wetsbound, or even the turning lanes. They were in the left-hand EAST bound lane....but driving west. When they hit their brakes, they veered into our lane and we should have hit HEAD ON. But God.

Not only did we NOT end up rolling into the ditch from the impact, but, somehow, thought the skid marks say it should have hit like that, it didn't. their whoole front end was pushed in. My driverside headlight on down is pushed in and the driverside tire and that whoel area is destroyed. ??????

God's hand was on my family. NOT ONE of my children had an injury. NO scratches. Nothing. Lily bumped her head on the carseat in front of her...but not even enough to leave a mark. AMAZING. The EMT's and the officers couldn't get over how calm and peaceful the kids were. Sure, initially there were a couple fussing and they were all scared, but they sat in their seats calmly and quietly throughout. There was a sense of peace around my vehicle. The other people were carrying on something awful. Cursing up a storm.....getting angry....the people that they called to come help almost got arrested for being rowdy. But we were ok.

The tow truck company that came, jsut happens to be for a friend of my husband's uncle. Who our friend so happens to work for. Coincidence??? Uh, nope.

God was protecting us. His favor was upon us. His peace was surrounding us. He totally took care of us.

I am sitting here singing praise and worship to Him. He is mighty to save. Though I stumble daily, and sin daily....He is still faithful to forgive. And His love is unconditional. He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me.

If not for God......I dare not entertain what could have been.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pay attention to the Little things

It has been a while since my last blog. That might be because I have 7 kids. Then again it might be because God is doing so much in my life right now. Or it could be both. :D

Mother's Day is fast approaching. I have been thinking about it. I have a hard time on that day because my own mother is gone and it just reminds me that I can't pick up a phone or send a card. But, this year I am not focusing on that.

The Lord has shown me so much recently.

I have a very dear friend who has prayed and wanted a baby for so very long. She has been blessed with a beautiful little guy! He is having heart surgery soon. The day after Mother's Day in fact. The Lord has shown me how selfish I have been to wallow in my own pity. My friend will celebrate her very first Mother's day and then have to deal with a major surgery the very next day. She is on my heart.

That is just one example of how I have taken my being a mother for granted.

Complaining about the mound of laundry that seems to sneer at me every time I pass it. Complaining about the messes to clean up, the late nights, the dirty diapers, the constant noise, the never ending refereeing, the constantly having someone at my side asking questions or telling a's all things I take for granted.

There are so many things that I need to look at as blessings instead of burdens. But, we don't think that least not some of us. We get mired down with the "chores" of being a mother that we fail to take in the little bitty moments that could make memories.

The dishes can wait. The laundry can wait.

I need to take more time to listen to the little nonsensical stories being whispered in my ear. I need to sit back and bask in the noisy laughter that surrounds me instead of trying to quiet it. I need to just put that nasty ol' pride aside and get down on all fours and make faces and weird noises that I know will send them into fits of laughter. THAT's what I want my mothering to be.

Joy filled.

I know that in reality it is tiring to have constant dishes, diapers, laundry and whatever else going on. But, one day....the house will be silent. The laundry will finally be caught up. There will only be 2 plates to wash. And I know that I will crave the noise, running, and chaos that used to be my life.

And that's when I will pick up the phone and call for my grand babies to be brought to me!

So, on this Mother's Day.....enjoy your breakfast in bed, homemade cards and certificates for never ending hugs and kisses. But also, take some time to think of how blessed you are to have those things and the messes left from making them!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eating and Life choices.......


Yeah. Dinner.

It's what we need. We all know it.

Choosing dinner is similar to life, isn't it?

Picking dinner can happen many ways:

1. Standing there with the freezer, refridgerator and pantry open, jsut waiting for something to jump out at you. You didn't think ahead or plan. You know you need to eat, you are hungry, but....still, you wait for dinner to miraculously prepare itself and be gourmet at that!

2. Still not planning wisely: you opt for crud. Deep fried, proccessed, full of nitrates whatever is quick and 'easy'. Knowing your body needs much more than that, it is just simpler to pull that out and nuke it.

3. Say forget cooking, I don't 'feel' like to mickey d's, wendy's, burger king, or whatever fast food restaurant of choice. Or better yet, not even leaving your home...oreder in. Then complain that the service is slow, and the food is gross.....nice, huh? Then look in the mirror and wonder why you feel so icky.

4. You can plan ahead. I don't mean to be legalistic about it....give yourself grace for the days that you just don't have enough time, or the unexpected comes along. When you plan ahead you are achknowleding the fact that you know you will need to eat at some point. You also know that your body needs certain things to function properly, so in your planning you take that into account. You actively seek out the things you will need in advance and prepare for the time to come when you are ready to/need to eat. In this active state of thinking, planning and preparing you are working toward the goal of eating.

Now, I do all of the above.

But, 1-3 are rarities.

#4 Should be my norm. It will keep me and my family healthy.

Do you (and when I say YOU I am speaking to myself as well...) view life the same way?

Do you go through life looking at all the things around you hoping that something will just jump out at you and all of a sudden all will be fine?

Do you take the quick and seemingly easy way to do things, all the while having that nagging sense that you KNOW you could have made a better choice?

Do you not even do anything for yourself, but rely on others to make you happy and then complain when they don't?

Or, do you try to make the choices that you know will take more work and planning and doing on your part, but you know in the long run, it is what is best?

I am deciding today, to make #'s 1-3 more rare than they are in my life. I am choosing #4, because in the long run it will be what is best for me and my family.....

Monday, March 8, 2010

To my son on his 15th birthday......


Here we are.

15 yrs.

You have been a part of my life for 15 yrs.

I remember when I first found out about you. I was elated, scared, unsure, thrilled. I was overcome with so many emotions that seemed to contradict each other. But, as time went on, they mainly became awe.

Awe at watching you squirm around in there. Amazed that there was a LIFE in my belly. A LIFE. Wow. I am so blessed that I am not a man. A man will never ever know that feeling of life growing and blooming inside of them. But I got to feel that!!

Everyone told me you were a girl. And at times I thought that is what I wanted. But deep in my heart I knew who you were from the beginning. You were the miracle that God gave me.

I remember the day you were born. (yes...I am going there....I'm your mother, I will revisit that day as often as I choose! LOL)

I was induced with you early on the 7th. Labored all that day with people popping in and out to see if you had made your grand entrance yet. Your Grandmothers were both there. Maw Maw was so proud. Your dad was there cracking his weird jokes. Your Grandma M. was there worrying about it all. LOL Pop was there.

I finally got to where it was time to try to get you out, and we tried and tried for a long time....about 2 and a half hours to be exact....but you weren't budging. Then they came in and said that you weren't doing so hot in there. They needed to get you out now. Within 15 min of them teling me that, they had you out. I was nervous and scared, but when I heard you SCREAM I knew you were ok. It was 12:20 a.m. on the 8th.

The stinky dr. gave me something to make me sleep and I didn't get to hold you until about 8 hrs later. I was MAD. REALLY MAD. They wouldn't bring you to my room unless I had someone there with I called your Maw Maw, woke her up and made her come as fast as she could. I couldn't wait to hold you!

That first time they gave you to me....yep you guessed it....I bawled (and so did your Maw Maw! LOL) You were perfect. So sweet.

We have had some rough times you and I. Between the divorce and me getting remarried and all the other things that have happened in our lives. Once you started hitting those first part of the teens we seemed to fight constantly. But, we are always still able to talk. I am so thankful for that.

We have made it so far in our lives together, you and I.

I have seen you grow in the Lord and now are becoming a leader to your peers! I am amazed. Not that you could't ever do it.....but that I got to watch and be part of it all. And that no matter how I have messed up, God is faithful and is guiding you.

I know I have said this alot lately, but I mean it every single time I say it.....I love you, Josh. And I am so very proud of you.

No matter what happens in life, you and I will have a bond that no one can break or take away. You are my firstborn. You are my treasure. You are magnificent.

You are already rising up to be a mighty man of God. And I am blessed to be able to watch where God is bringing you!!

I pray that all of your days will be blessed, my son. And that God will always be your guide.

I love you.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Taking Notes at a Funeral

So.....I attended a funeral last night.

It was for a friend of mine's husband. I met the man only once. I went to support her and see a very dear friend of mine who came in town to help during this time.

Last night I learned so much. I pray that God keeps it fresh in my mind for quite a while, as it was all so much to soak in.

I greeted my sweet friend Peggy who I haven't seen since December of '08. It was so awesome to hug her. I have missed her greatly. Peggy is an amazing woman of God. She lost her husband in '08 suddenly, though God was directing every single step. She is someone very close to my heart...a spiritual mother if you will. When she moved, my heart broke because she wouldn't be here with me anymore, but I knew that she was following where God was leading. So, when our friend Brenda's husband became suddenly ill, she came in to help Brenda....she was in this position before, so she knew how to minister to her.

I waited for my BFF to get there. Together we went in. We saw Brenda, hugged her neck and gave her our love. I told Brenda, "I never know just what to say in a time like this, so just know that I love you."

We stood off to the side, saw a few other ladies we knew and sort of caught up while waiting for the service to start. My bff, Dana, noted something....there was a lack of grief in the room. Not to be confused with sadness. Yes, people were saddened over their loss....but there was no heaviness there, because they knew where he was. He was with his Father in heaven.

We were ushered in and sat down. The service began. BEAUTIFUL. His grandchildren came in waving beautiful flags. There was a Shofar that was blown as his casket entered the room. Amazing.

A friend of theirs began with prayer. Then there was a time for the family to come up and say a few words......during this, his grandchildren became overwhelmed with sobs. My heart hurt for them. As the family members shared their rememberances of David, I was starting to feel sad that I had not had the opportunity of knowing him more than the one meeting.

They spoke of his unconditional love no matter the season of their lives. They spoke of how he was always there, and there was always a sense of love with him. They made note that he was not a man of many words, but when he spoke you listened because he only opened his mouth to impart wisdom...and an occassional funny. Through all of this, his grandbabies continued to sob. That is when the Lord showed me something....he was a man that made a point to spend time with them. He got out in the leaves and wrestled with his grandsons. He built tents in the garage and backyards with them. He loved to dance with his granddaughters on his feet. He loved to play and laught with them. They were not mourning a grandfather who they wish they knew better. They were not mourning all of the things they wish he would have done with them. They were mourning the loss of a great man in their lives who always had time for them. They were relishing every memory they had with him.

Do my kids have enough of those memories of me? If I were to be taken home tomorrow...would they mourn because there are not enough of those kind of memories, and they wish there were? Or would they be able to mourn for their loss, but be able to revel in the plethora of memories that we had made together?

(It was at this point that I felt compelled to write that down, to remember.....I felt really weird. I was taking notes at a funeral!! Oh please don't let anyone see me!! LOL)

The next thing was time for friends and members of their church to step up and say a few words. The same theme was said over and over. "David was a man of few words. But he loved the Lord and served Him greatly...all the way until the end. In everything he did." He ministered to people on his deathbed. Oh that I would have the boldness and strength in my relationship with Christ to continue to put HIM first in my final hour!! He cared for people's hearts. He cared deeply for them. You could sense that this was not in any way "lip service". He was truly a man after God's heart. His life was such a testimony to me and all who sat in that service.

A man who worked with him even stood and told of the "work side" of David. And yet, his story was NO different than all the rest!! David maintained his wonderful steadfast heart even on the job. There wasn't a work personna, home personna, and church personna. He was the same in all areas of his life. That is testament to Christ that lived in him.

Towards the end, Brenda got up briefly to thank all who attended and hae prayed and helped her during this time. She also mentioned that that day...was their 20th wedding anniversary. How very bittersweet it must have been for her.

After all was done, Dana and I hung around to talk with Peggy. We stood there, the three of us holding hands, and listened as Peggy poured into us. She encouraged us, she reminded us of things that God has called us to do, she confirmed some things that we were both dealing with/praying about. It was amazing. God used her so greatly to guide us. After she was done talking we kind of stood in silence. There was jsut so much to take in from the service to what she spoke that there were not (and still are not) many words that can explain the peace and knowing and confirmation that was sensed.

Never in my life have I come away from a funeral so very encouraged and uplifted and focused.

I am so thankful for Mr. David and the life he led...though I met him only once, his life has impacted me more than he will ever know.

I am also thankful that God used his passing to reunite Peggy with us, even in for jsut a short time. That time was used wisely. We didn't stand around talking about this that and the other....the time was spent receiving what God wanted to tell us through someone who means so much to us.

Taking notes at a funeral.....proof that God will use any and all situations to guide those who seek Him.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blessings Abound!

I know that I am blessed. But recently, the Lord has been impressing upon my heart just how blessed I am.

My bff (best friend forever) has been sayng something lately: "what can I be thankful for?" And sure, you say "I am healthy, I have a home...etc." But, do we ever stop long enough to realize just HOW blessed we are?

Stopping and taking in the fact that many people are out of work, while you have a job. It may not be the job of your dreams. It may have lost it's awesomeness long ago, but you HAVE a job. You are not stuck somewhere trying desperately to get hired while no one is hiring. You are blessed.

Have you thought about that roof over your head? "Yeah, I have a roof over my head," you say in passing. But have you stopped to think of the millions of people around the world who do not? How many times do you complain about that leaky faucet, that run down looking porch, having to cut the grass, needing to clean that toilet....without even thinking about how blessed you are to have those things to complain about?

"I don't want to eat the chicken in the freezer! I wish I had money to go out to eat," we whine. While a bowl of rice is a feast to some. A sandwhich handed out with a bottled water from a stranger is the only meal some have had in 4 days. Looking into a refridgerator filled with milk, cheese, butter, eggs, leftovers, fruit, you name it and sighing because we have "nothing to eat." Wow. How very blessed we are indeed.

When you are in the midst of complaining because your car payment is due, or the guy in the drive thru messed your order up again, or the neighbor just got a brand new '10 vehicle while you are 'stuck' with a stinky old '08 model car...stop and think of how truly blessed you really are.

Blessings abound all around you.

Yes, you have your health. You have your home (be it owned by you or rented). You have your job, your kids, food, etc. But don't be so lax about those things. They are indeed blessings that many many people go without. are blessed. In all of your circumstances you can still be blessed. You just have to look around.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Game of the Year!


Just wow.


You had to be dead to not get emotional about this game. This game had so much more wrapped up in it than who gets a trophy.

I don't know how anyone could miss the screams and WHO DAT's that came streaming through the air last night. You could hear the people from 2 streets over in my nieghborhood. There were fireworks going off. Nieghbors were dancing together. Strangers hugged and high fived. It was electric.

And it was not even just around here in this area. It was even stretched to the rest of the country.

It was so much more than just our football team winning. So much more. It was a long overdue validation. It was a realization that "hey.....we really can do jsut about anything!" It was uniting us once more.

New Orleans. A city that had such destruction ravage it just a few years ago. A city that has been fighting to get better. A city that refuses to give up, now has seen that their hope is not in vain.

God has blessed us. He chose to use the Superbowl to restore hope. He chose to use those players, those coaches and that team as a whole.

This city, no - this state has so much to look forward to. Where there is Hope renewed, mighty things can happen.

We witnessed not only history last night, but the beginning of a whole new outlook for our city and state and all who dwell here. They will forever remember where they were and who they were with when we saw the Saints march to victory. My prayer is that they will forever remember the Hope that came with it and look towards all that we can accomplish together!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Aaaaannnnd, we're off!!

And so today begins another facet of my "new season".

I began my workout schedule today. My Hunny bought me the Wii Fit and the Biggest Loser 'game' to go with it. (ladies....I requested both he is in the clear ;P)

I was thinking, surely no 'game' would have an impact on me. I mean, I have 7 kids that I chase after and clean after, and barely break a sweat doing that. I have Praise Troupe once a week, and that makes me break a sweat a little more. But come on...a video game?

I was proven wrong. Bigtime.

It was about half way through that I knew that I was done for. When tears of frustration and realization that I was waaaay more out of shape than originally thought came streaming down, I realized that I may just shed some of this weight.

I have no unrealistic goals. After birthing 7 children, all of whom were c-sections, I know that the bod of my 20's has been lost forever. However, I also know that if I am able to apply myself and become determined enough, a healthy weight and body structure can be achieved.

I honestly do not have the funds nor the time to run to a gym, so this is wonderful that I feel that results ARE attainable with this 'game'.

I had my weigh in today. And though it was *** lbs, it still was not as bad as I was thinking. And really 46 lbs to lose sounds so much more attainable than what was originally in my mind. will take determination, a positive attitude, a constant focus on the goal line, and a whole lot of God.....but I am ready to exercise and eat the right way through this new season!!!

*just a small FYI.....if you do choose to do this as well, it is easier if you lock up your 2 yo twins first. Not too easy to cry through a workout that is already killing you only to have them think Mommy got down in that position for them to climb on her. :D

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cleaning and New Seasons

Cleaning......some love it, some don't. My opinion is that of the latter. :D

I am no June Cleaver, that's for sure. And having 7 kids, there is stuff everywhere all the time. No getting around it.

Recently, the Lord has been impressing upon me to de-clutter the house. Easier said than done. There are smallish piles of stuff that has no place, all over the every room. I can't get away from it.

It attacks my eyes the moment I enter the room (any room). It makes it to where I just never want to go in that room. So I stay away, which makes it worse, b/c when you do that it mulitplies! Oy.

Well, so far, with the Lord's grace and energy and focus, the kitchen has been tackled!! Even the top of the fridge is organized!!!

Just from the kitchen alone: one super-sized diaper box full and three big black garbage bags of stuff. That is all it was.....stuff.

I am so excited that God is bringing me through a new season!! I was finally able to look at things and say I will NEVER need this again and throw it away with a feeling of relief. Things like old baby bottles, breastfeeding supplies, cups with no lids, tupperware with no tops, things I never use!! GONE. With no remorse. :D

New seasons are not so bad. I don't know why we fight against change so much. Because once we get there and go through the change we are refreshed and renewed. Kind of silly to go against it, huh?

Cleaning the house of clutter entails much more than just the physical aspect of it. There is a refreshing of your spirit. There is a lightening of the closed in shadows that can surround you in those piles of stuff.

I am so thankful for decluttering and new seasons!!!! :D

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear NBC (and any other media this may apply to),

I hear that you are having 'issues' with wanting to air the Tim Tebow commercial. Seriously?

I don't see you sweating over my children seeing the basically nude women on the Victoria's Secret commercials.

I haven't noticed you being overly concerned with the fact that a lady's *ahem* is right in our faces in a certain Riccola commercial.

I don't even see you being selective about the story lines of certain tv shows that my children see commercials for. And those commercials leave very little to the imagination.

I am curious why all of a sudden you are concerned with possible "backlash" from people whose views are opposite those that would be shown in the Tim Tebow commercial. You were not as concerned about what MY childrn would learn from the other commercials I mentioned and others like them.

You did not sit down and heavily wiegh the fact that some people do not care for sex, drugs, alcohol and such things to be thrown in their faces on a daily basis.

You did not give condsideration to me or my family when you ok'd the airing of the other commercials, which I might add elude to far worse things than preserving a life.

I say if you are big enough to not care about what I, and others like me, think about the daily onslaught of trash you put out there without so much as a thought to what you are teaching young impressionable people, then you should not even blink at airing the Tim Tebow commercial.

You talk a good game on fairness and tolerance....but when the tables are turned there seems to be a sudden imbalance in that fairness and tolerance.

I now dare you to run the ad. Do you think you are big enough?


A mother of 7

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just another day in paradise

Wednesday. Yes. That is what the day is.

Just a typical day in the life.

It is a beautiful day outside. Slight breeze, sunny, and mid 60's.

Diapers changed, dishes washed (though more have found their way into the sink), kids fed, baby napping, schoolwork going, and it's not even lunchtime yet.

Organization is the theme of today. So much stuff in such a small space. Needing to get creative and get a burst of energy too.

So many books and clothes in this house. But, with so many people here, hard to avoid that.

I have downsized. I have tried to organize with what I have and keep the house looking like a normal house.

There's my problem!! *V-8 slap* I do not have a NORMAL house. LOL

I have 7 kids. We homeschool. I need to get my house the way that our family needs it....not the way that would be acceptable to other people because *they* do it that way.

So, here goes...throwing normal out the window and embracing the ME that God made me to be!! :D

Unique, quirky, not like anyone else's ~ that's me and my family!!

TAWANDA!!!!!!!! Hee hee hee!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just For Today

Just for today....
I am going to look up and not down,
I am going to smile and not frown.

Just for today....
I am going to praise and not tear down,
I am going to stay afloat and not drown.

Just for today....
I will give thanks in all things,
I will open my heart and sing.

Just for today....
I will lean on His Word,
And learn to soar like a majestic bird.

He gives me His grace,
and He lights my way.
It is always enough....
Just for today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Going against the grain

This is my first blog. Not sure how it will turn out. But here goes.... :o)

I am a mother to 7 children. Ages range from 14 (soon to be 15) to 9 mths (soon to be 10mths). I have 3 girls and 4 boys.

I have nursed all except my first. I am a very firm believer in breast being best. BUT, I am also a firm beleiver in doing what you need to do for the good of all involved. And yes, that means if you formula feed it is not the most horrific thing that you could ever do.

I formula fed my oldest. I wanted to breastfeed. But there was no support system in place to help me reach that goal. And I was not aware of all of the resources out there to help me (LLL for instance). So, after 2 wks of trying and a pediatrician who was not pro-breastfeeding, I put him on formula. No biggie.

Then comes baby #2. With her, I was determined to BF. No one and nothing was going to stop me! I had read up on it and also had a friend now who knew about it and was very supportive. So I successfully nursed her to a year old.

At that point in time I was very much a BF advocate. But never ever thought ill of a mother who formula fed (remember my oldest was FF). I started noticing that there was such division in the mothering world on this. And eventually I started to take sides....without even realizing it!!!!

I began to think (but never voiced) "There is ALWAYS a way to bf. There are no excuses as to why someone can't!" I am so ashamed that I ever thought that way.

Over time, there was never a question as to if I would BF or FF. BF hands down. No bottles, no nothing. Just me and baby. I weened only 1 early...and I didn't ween them, they did it themself. She was about 9 or 10 mths at that point.

I eventually had twins. One boy and one girl. I was DETERMINED to bf them. Let me tell you, the first few days after giving birth to twins is HARD. And harder when you are trying to bf them both!!

My little boy was a champ, latched on perfectly and jsut ate and ate. My daughter however was another story. Her latch was terrible. She was a lazy nurser, jsut kinda hung out there until she decided to take a few sucks then rest. Now, my boy developed jaundice. No biggie....I had successfully nursed through it before, no reason why I can't now. NO excuses, remember??

When a baby is jaundiced, they are very sleepy. Hard to get them to eat, though that is the main way to help them through the jaundice...the more they eat and poop the better.

So, now I have a sleepy jaundiced boy and a lazy nurser of a girl. She would literally wait until her brother brought the let down then eat. Well, he needed to eat above and beyond anything but was so tired (due to the jaundice) that it was just not happening. I can clearly remember it being 3 am and me tryin yet again to nurse and crying hysterically because my daughter wouldn't latch on, my son wouldn't wake up to nurse and my body was so tired and hurting. The Hunny (God love him) went to Walgreen's and bought a can of (GASP) formula. Came home and the babies both took it with no problems. I felt relief and sorrow all at the same time.

I figured I jsut couldn't feed 2 babies at once. The hormones after giving birth to twins didn't help either. I cried everytime I gave them a bottle.

After about 3 wks or so, I was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in my hand. And I heard clearly, "go nurse." I know that was God's prompting, but I said, "if Miriam does not latch on, I am not even trying!" I didn't even think I still had milk. I go into the room and she latched right on!! So I grabbed her brother and sure enough he did too. They nursed exclusively until they were a year old. And, oh my side effects like 3 heads, or extra limbs or anything from using formula!!!

Again I got back to the thinking that since *I* did it, anyone can do it. You jsut have to be determined.

Now, we are at baby #7. I have nursed 5 prior children over a 10 yr span. I am not as young as I was in the beginning of all of this.

Took my Bug for his 4mth ch up. He was 17.2 lbs. Due to some issues with insurance, I had to wait until his 9 mth ch up to take him in again. During that 5 mth period, I was under the impression that he was doing great. He was happy, alert, and chubby. At 6mths he started solid food. LOVED it. LOL He seemed to be thinning a little bit, but he was growing in length, so that is what I attributed it to.

Over the last say 3 wks, he began getting so rough when he would nurse. OMGosh!! HORRIBLE. I cried at night. He wanted to be on me CONSTANTLY. He was a cranky little guy. I thought jsut teething. He was attached to me constantly, I thought growth spurt coupled with being a momma's boy. He looked chubby still, but when you went to pick him up, he was light. Weird.

Well, he got sooooo aggressive, I had no choice. I had to ween to a bottle, and I would pump. Did that....excruciating 3 day ordeal. Finally he took the bottle. And seemed content. But then I noticed that my milk production was not up to his eating standards, even with taking almost every herb imaginable and friends praying fervently. So, I had to start supplementing with formula.

During this process that started 2 wks ago, I took him in for his 9mth ch up. They weighed him....he was 18.8 lbs. WHAT!!? Only 1.6 lbs in FIVE months??? His dr didn't see a problem. SHe said they kind of taper off at a certain time. He got a praise worthy check up and we went on our way.

The weight still didn't sit right with me. So I made a weight check appt for a week after his 9mth check up. During that time, it became evident that my milk would not keep up with him, so the decision to ween altogether came about (with a big help from the Lord.....another story).

I took him in for that weight check.....lo and behold in ONE WEEK'S time, he gained 9 ounces. That is almost half of what he gained in FIVE MONTHS.

I have come to few conclusions through this journey:

* Listen when God speaks.
*Yes, breast is best....but not the ONLY.
*There is no ONE way to go about anything. No matter what the majority says.
*Research and others' experiences are wonderful, but only you know what will be the best for you and your family.
*Be careful of an "all or nothing" mentality. Sometimes change is needed and can be welcomed.

Sometimes you just have to go against the grain for the good of your own family.

Thank you for taking the time to read......
